

Jefferson County is home to a growing list of county landmarks and nationally registered landmarks. JCHLC is continuously working on new nominations, reports, and research to support our local historical resources.

Historic Resources By The Numbers

Jefferson County’s historic resources are divided into 5 distinct categories. Read below to learn more about how JCHLC distinguishes between structures and how many are found in the county, as of the most recent survey in 2022. The map of county historic resources by category can be downloaded here.

Category I

Category I refers to the most important historic resources, including contributing structures to the National Register properties and Districts. 


category I resources

Category II

Category II resources are classified as important.  


category II resources including 16 barns

Category III

Category III resources are classified as having moderate importance. 


category III resources including 242 barns

Category IV

Category IV resources are at least 50 years old, have little or no significance, and are listed by the Historic Landmarks Commission. 


category IV resources including 1 barn

Contributing Structures

Contributing Structures category refers to any resource which adds to the historical integrity or architectural qualities that make the historic district significant.  


contributing structures  including 44 barns